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KASB is governed by a Board of Directors composed of four elected officers - president, past-president, president-elect, and president-elect designee (elected at the KASB Convention) - and 15 regional vice presidents. The regional vice presidents represent 10 geographic areas in Kansas, as well as the five additional regions representing the five KASB member school districts with the largest full-time equivalent enrollment during regional elections. There are two ex-officio seats on the board. Elections are held during the KASB Annual Convention.
To contact any member of the Board of Directors, please email Melissa Holder at
Locate your district on this map to learn your KASB region. Then find your region vice-president below.
Kevin Cole
Kevin Cole has served on the Labette County USD 506 Board of Education for nine years. Formerly, he served for five years as the Region 3 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors, and he now holds the position of KASB President-Elect.
Kevin is driven by a lifelong commitment to service, believing that cultivating leaders in Kansas is pivotal for local communities to thrive. His dedication to his community allows him to express his gratitude to the professionals who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the students they serve.
Kevin has 25 years of experience at Coca-Cola as a Regional Sales Manager and currently works as the Corporate Manager for Pete’s Corporation in Southeast Kansas. During his tenure as a board member, Kevin has contributed significantly, serving on various committees and representing the district on the SEK Interlocal 637 Board of Education. Kevin's managerial skills have empowered the board leadership team to leverage data for informed decision-making and foster a positive culture within the district.
His primary objective on the local board is to advocate for USD 506 and the SEK Interlocal, spotlighting their achievements and impact on students while strengthening CTE programs and fostering collaboration with local industries. As KASB President, Kevin aims to fortify the advocacy network among board members and patrons, utilizing KASB's strengths, programming, and benefits to cultivate future advocates.
Growing up, Kevin was inspired by his father, a disabled veteran, who instilled in him the values of hard work, honesty, and the importance of committing with passion and confidence. Additionally, Coach Ron Thorsen, who led Kevin's high school to win a state basketball championship, taught him the power of stretching one's capabilities and believing in the seemingly impossible.
Kevin lives by two guiding mantras: "Whatever you do in life, always leave it better than you found it" and "Believe in something bigger than yourself."
Emily Riner
Emily Riner has served on the Perry USD 343 Board of Education for four years. She also currently serves as the Region 1 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
With a diverse background in education, Emily has taught students of all levels, from kindergarten to graduate school. Becoming a board of education member felt like a natural fit given her background and experience Her firsthand experience in the classroom and as an administrator provides a unique perspective that is helpful when making decisions and allows her to be a better advocate for the students, schools, and community. Outside of her board responsibilities, Emily serves as a Government Relations Director for Western Governors University. When she's not working, she enjoys reading, hiking, and spending quality time with her family, friends, four dogs, and barn cat.
A self-described life-long learner, Emily recognizes the power of quality education in providing a solid foundation for students. She is deeply passionate about her community's well-being and sees quality education as a huge factor contributing to that success. In her local board role, Emily is committed to making decisions that empower students to become knowledgeable, well-rounded, and productive members of society. Her goal is to foster a sense of pride in the community among students and ensure that schools serve as vital resource centers for children, families, and the larger community. Emily believes in the importance of the services, resources and trainings provided by KASB. As a KASB board member, she is eager to bring together more members from neighboring school districts to raise awareness of these resources, build relationships and foster collaboration.
One of the most influential people in her life was a family friend from her childhood, Bill Thompson. When he ran for the South Dakota State Legislature, Emily supported his campaign and later served as a page and intern for him. She was inspired by his dedication to service, democracy, and equity, and she learned valuable skills such as time management, responsibility, and research. Bill and his wife Anne were Emily's first supporters when she decided to run for the school board, and she remains grateful for their ongoing support. Emily recalls her high school anatomy and AP Biology teacher, Mr. Bambas, with great admiration. He had a dynamic energy in the classroom, and despite his high expectations, his teaching style made learning enjoyable and equipped students for success. Emily always aspires to channel Mr. Bambas's energy whenever she is teaching or giving a presentation.
Some of Emily’s favorite books are "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, "The Book of Boundaries" by Melissa Urban, and anything by Brene Brown. She finds inspiration in Gretchen Rubin's reminder not to let perfect be the enemy of the good, a sentiment she carries with her in all aspects of her life.
TinaRae Scott
TinaRae Scott is currently in her third term as a member of the Morris County USD 417 Board of Education. She also currently serves as the President of the KASB Board of Directors.
Driven by her involvement in her children's education—now aged 23, 18, and 11—TinaRae dedicated herself to various roles within their schools. From classroom volunteering to PTO participation, including multiple years as president, she gained firsthand insight into education. Feeling a deep connection to her community and recognizing the importance of serving, TinaRae saw becoming a board member as the next step in her journey.
Drawing from her diverse professional background across nonprofits, Fortune 500 companies, and small businesses, TinaRae brings a wealth of experience to her role. Having deep roots in the district and raising her family there, she values public education and community engagement. TinaRae's primary goal for the local board is to focus on district sustainability while maximizing opportunities for students and staff. As a member of the KASB Board of Directors, she aims to extend this focus to professional development and ensuring sustainable educational opportunities statewide.
Alongside her commitments as a board member, TinaRae works part-time as a Resource Librarian at the Council Grove Public Library. Additionally, her family owns a livestock trucking company and farms/ranches in the Flint Hills. In her free time, TinaRae indulges her creative side with art, particularly crafting bookmarks, and enjoys travel, camping, writing for regional publications, and photography.
TinaRae often thinks of her grandmother, Maxine, as a role model in her life, not just for her accomplishments but also for her character. Maxine was a strong woman, ahead of her time. She made great strides in the world of business and strove to meet and exceed the goals she set for herself. Affectionately dubbed “The H’s,” her science teachers—Mr. Hartley, Mr. Hatfield, Mr. Howland, and Mr. Harclerode—played pivotal roles in shaping her future. They encouraged her to pursue her love of science and taught her that a male-dominated field could be conquered by anyone.
One quote that TinaRae lives by is, “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” This serves as a constant reminder that we need to look for new and innovative ways to solve problems. Just because you have a tool at hand, that does not mean that this is the best tool or most effective way to move ahead.
TinaRae would recommend her favorite book, "Furiously Happy" by Jenny Lawson. In her book, Lawson advocates for open conversations about mental health, a cause that TinaRae passionately supports.
Kelly Franke
Kelly Franke has served on the Paola USD 368 Board of Education for 21 years. She also currently serves as the Region 2 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Kelly's passion for education began in high school when the district hired a new Curriculum Coordinator who believed that almost everything, including welding and automotive repair, could be taught from a book. Growing up on a farm, Kelly quickly grasped the importance of Career Technical Education (CTE). This realization fueled her decision to run for the board as soon as she had the opportunity. Outside her board duties, Kelly enjoys scrapbooking, playing with her dog, spending time with family and friends and supporting activities and students through the Paola FFA Alumni group.
As the longest-serving member of the Paola board, Kelly brings valuable historical perspective and strongly supports CTE in all its forms. Currently, she is focused on onboarding and educating new board members. With four new members joining in January 2024, she aims to foster teamwork and connection within the board to ensure they make the best decisions for their students and district. In her role on the KASB Board of Directors, Kelly is committed to promoting KASB's services, resources and training to new board members. She also believes in the power of effective storytelling to highlight public education achievements to parents, legislators and the general public.
Kelly draws inspiration from her mother, who was known for her clear values and hard work. She was also influenced by her favorite teachers, Mrs. Carr, who taught English and Mr. Lesher, who taught biology. They were both no-nonsense educators with high standards, and their classes helped prepare her for college.
Aiming always to maintain a positive outlook on life, Kelly is inspired by Norman Vincent Peale's words: "When you get up in the morning, you have two choices - either to be happy or to be unhappy. Just choose to be happy."
Heather Guernsey
Heather Guernsey has served on the Chanute USD 413 Board of Education for two years. She also currently serves as the Region 3 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Heather has a deep love for education and believes it has the power to change not only people but also the projection of their lives. She joined her local board of education to ensure that the public schools in her community continue to thrive. Heather describes herself as a “groupie” for her four kids. She loves being involved and supporting them in all their activities. Heather is the choir director and teaches music to children at her church. She also serves on the Safari Museum Foundation. In any other free time she has, Heather loves to crochet.
Heather is a former third-grade teacher with bachelor’s degrees in elementary and special education and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Emporia State University. Her experience helps her better understand the needs of students and teachers. Heather is committed to staying educated on current topics and working on self-improvement as a board member and a person. She makes sure to be open and approachable to community members. Heather aims to increase academic achievement and student success post-graduation in her district by focusing on data that can help lead decision-making. As a member of the KASB Board of Directors, Heather’s focus is on sharing the story of public education and the achievements of our students and schools in Kansas with parents, legislators, and the public.
At school, Heather’s favorite teacher was Mrs. Maule. Heather describes herself as a quiet child, and Mrs. Maule noticed her intelligence and pushed her to be her best. Soon, Heather was one of the top students. This teacher helped her decide she wanted to be a teacher, too.
For a fun read, Heather recommends “Lemon Tart” by Josi Kilpack, the first book in a series of culinary mystery novels. For self-improvement, her recommendation is “Braving the Wilderness” by Brene Brown.
Curt Herrman
Curt Herrman has served 16 years on the Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 Board of Education. He also currently serves as the Region 4 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
When he was in school, Curt really admired his 5th grade teacher, Mr. Munoz. He was the first male teacher that he had during a time when teachers were mostly women. Mr. Munoz has helped shape who he is today by teaching honestly and kindness towards others. Curt remains in contact with Mr. Munoz to this day. Curt grew up surrounded by educators. Both of his parents were teachers, and his dad was also his high school principal. He learned about hard work and compassion from his parents. He always looked up to them as individuals and as a parenting team. They inspired him to be involved in his kids’ school experience as much as possible.
As soon as his kids started school he volunteered for the PTO, eventually becoming the PTO President and then Site Council Chair. Soon after, he realized he could make a bigger impact as a board member and decided to run for his local board. After COVID there has been some major shifts in how society perceives public education. As a board member, Curt hopes to shift the focus back to what is most important, providing a good educational environment for student success. Curt works as an IT director at a local bank in Manhattan.
Outside of his job, Curt is an avid Chiefs football fan and holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the Largest Collection of Kansas City Chiefs Memorabilia. In his free time, you can almost always find Curt scouring antique shops, malls and flea markets for pieces to add to his very impressive collection. Curt also loves to read Science Fiction. His favorite read is the Isaac Asimov Foundation Trilogy.
Joe Ryan
Joe Ryan is in his fourth year as a Smokey Valley USD 400 Board of Education member and previously served three full terms on another school board. He also currently serves as the Region 5 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Joe has been involved in education for many years and has several family members who are educators. He served as Career and Tech Education Coordinator for the Smoky Hill Education Service Center for 18 years. Joe now works as a rancher and is involved in community development projects, but his favorite occupation is grandparent.
His grandkids are students in the Smokey Valley district, which is one of the reasons he decided to run for the board of education. Through his work on his local board and the KASB board, Joe hopes to build a better future and leave the world a better place than he found it. His passion for public education dates to Joe’s school days. He remembers two specific teachers, his PE and Ag teachers, that pushed him out of his comfort zone and helped him realize that he could accomplish more. Joe’s top goals are to bring more career-focused programs/pathways to his local district and increase partnerships with postsecondary institutions and private companies. He also wants to foster better communication between state legislators and school boards to find common ground.
Joe has two favorite books that help shape the way he views the world. The first “Blood Meridien” by Cormac McCarthy, and the second “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Robert Persig.
Jordan Buxton
Jordan Buxton has served on the Circle USD 375 Board of Education since January 2022. She also currently serves as the Region 6 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Jordan is a parent to three children in the Circle School District. She formerly served as the PTO President at Circle Oil Hill Elementary. She ran for her local Board of Education because she saw it as an opportunity to advocate for students, families and teachers. Jordan is also very active in her community outside of her position as a board member. She acts as a Strategy and Innovation Consultant for Sevenfold, a Hutton Company. She developed a workforce initiative called, The Butler County ACT - A Workforce Enhancement Project, which received a national Work Ready Community certification. Jordan serves as the facilitator for Leadership Butler and redesigned the curriculum to meet growing needs and challenges in the community. She also participated in the Kansas Emerging Leaders program and now serves on the KEL advisory board. Jordan has a passion for advocating for public education at the local and legislative levels.
In USD 375, she hopes to work with the other board members to define student success for their district and equip the BOE, administration, educators, staff, students, and families with the resources they need to achieve that success. As a KASB Board member, she aims to bridge the gap between Kansas legislators and boards. She plans to connect, listen, and learn from fellow board members in Region 6 about their challenges and obstacles and translate that into better education policies in the legislature.
Jordan grew up in Emporia, Kansas, and speaks highly of her principal, Mr. Scott Sheldon, who made learning fun, held her accountable, and has remained a constant presence in her life. He is an example to her of what it means to be a student representative.
Her favorite book is "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It serves as a reminder to her always to remain present and appreciate everything you have.
Brenden Wirth
Brendan Wirth has served on the Rock Hills, USD 107 Board of Education for 12 years. He also currently serves as the Region 7 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Motivated by his seven children, Brendan initially joined the local board of education, aiming to contribute to his community with the skills and insights gained from his background in state government and working with volunteer leaders. He considers it a privilege to utilize his knowledge and expertise in this capacity. Brendan and his family embrace an adventurous lifestyle, residing in their RV and exploring the country together. They share a passion for outdoor activities, including swimming, boating, camping, and tending to their small herd of cows.
Since he has served on his board for many years, Brendan possesses a historical perspective of the decisions and vision of the board. He can reflect on the past 12 years as they move forward in the present. Although he frequently looks to the past, he doesn’t let that cloud his vision for the future of the district. Brendan's approach to governance is proactive. In his district, he aims to implement systems and processes that ensure the district's readiness for any challenge, focusing on prevention instead of reaction. In his district, Brendan aims to put systems in place that will allow them to be prepared for any situation, preventing fires instead of putting them out. His goal is that this work will equip future board members to be successful as well. Brendan believes that most of the answers to our toughest challenges exist in others success.
As a member of the KASB Board of Directors he wants to learn perspectives, challenges, and successes from other districts across Kansas, with the intent of sharing that knowledge. Often, we are dealing with same issues, district to district, and we can learn from each other how to handle and conquer these challenges.
In high school, Brendan’s favorite teacher was Mr. Stewart, who taught Industrial Arts and Physics. Mr. Stewart taught him that doing your best and following a project to the end will give you the confidence to start the next one. Mr. Stewart gave Brendan this piece of advice that sticks with him every day and that he has shared with his kids and even school board, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”
Another person that had a great deal of influence on Brendan was his grandfather, who was a World War II airplane mechanic, and later, a carpenter. Often, they would work on farm equipment together when he was a kid. During that time, his grandfather told him something that he still lives his life by today. He said, “No one ever asks how fast a project is done, but they do ask who did it.” So, take pride in what you do and do it to the best of your ability.
Donna Hoener-Queal
Donna Hoener-Queal has served on the Pratt USD 382 Board of Education for 10 years. She also currently serves as the Region 8 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Donna was inspired by her dad to join her local board of education. He served on the USD 382 Board for years while Donna was in school. He instilled in her the importance of respecting others and being open to their opinions but always doing the right thing.
Donna and her husband, Don, own their wood products business. Governor Laura Kelly appointed Donna to serve on the Behavioral Science Regulatory Board, and she also serves on the Board of Directors for DCCCA. She is active in her church and enjoys cooking, traveling, reading, woodworking and spending time with her friends and family.
Before retiring, Donna worked in the criminal justice field for 34 years. During that time, she often worked with children in need of care and juvenile offenders and their families. Due to her work with juveniles, Donna spent a lot of time in the schools, meeting with counselors and administrators. Kids with behavioral issues, attendance problems, low grades and lack of parental support often need more help than other students and can sometimes fall through the cracks at school. When Donna joined the school board, she vowed that she would always fight for those kids and do everything she could to be in a district that would serve everyone, especially "the underdog."
In school, Donna’s favorite teacher was Mrs. Ross, who taught home economics. She was patient and caring and always made time for Donna. She even allowed her to switch to learning knitting in her class when Donna realized that she did not like sewing.
One of the quotes that Donna tries to live her life by is "Be the change you wish to see in the world" by Mahatma Gandhi.
Kristina Lemman
Kristina Lemman has served on the Colby USD 315 Board of Education since 2013. She also currently serves as the Region 9 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
In addition to her work on the board, Kristina works in accounting and human resources at Farm Credit of Western Kansas. She volunteers to coach youth sports teams in Colby and enjoys hanging out with her family and doing CrossFit. Kristina has also served on the Northwest Kansas Technical College Area Board since 2016. Kristina has always loved working with kids and helping them grow into successful adults.
To Kristina, teamwork is one of the most important aspects for the board to succeed. She believes everyone has something valuable to offer. Her main focus on her local board is academic success, from kindergarten all the way to college. Kristina was a big supporter of and a driving force behind bringing a program to her district that gives students the opportunity to graduate with their high school diploma along with their trade certificate and associate degree.
As part of the KASB Board of Directors, Kristina strives to be a voice for Western Kansas and keep up with what's happening in the legislature and other school districts across the state. She knows that when districts share their challenges and successes, everyone can do better.
Kristina grew up in Sharon Springs, a small town in Western Kansas. She had a lot of great teachers and coaches, but one who really stands out is her first-grade teacher, Mrs. Hennick, who was also in her first year of teaching at that time. It felt as if they both started their teaching and learning journeys together, but at different stages of life. To this day, Mrs. Hennick remains a great role model and friend to Kristina.
A quote that Kristina lives her life by is, "A smile is the most beautiful thing to wear."
Ryan Ausmus
Ryan Ausmus has served on the Dodge City USD 443 Board of Education for 12 years. He also currently serves as the Region 10 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Ryan believes that education is transformational. He ran for his local board of education because he had a desire to help the community and have an influential and positive impact on the lives of young people. Ryan loves to spend time with his family. Some of his favorite ways to spend his time are reading, bowling, hunting, and playing cornhole.
In his career, Ryan has managed people, worked with budgets, wrote grants, and recruited employees which has given him a lot of technical skills that he uses as a board member. He believes one of his biggest skills is to respectfully interact and engage with people with differing backgrounds and worldviews from his own. Ryan aims to improve the academic outcomes of his district. In his opinion, recruiting teachers is one of the main issues facing USD 443. Finding teachers seems to be a struggle for many if not most, school districts across the state. One of his focus areas is finding ways to bring qualified teachers to Southwest Kansas.
Looking back at his time in school, Ryan remembers his favorite teacher, Ray Small. Mr. Small also served as the basketball and football coach. He communicated to Ryan in a way that went beyond the classroom and playing field. Mr. Small was a teacher of life.
Ryan’s favorite book is “Empire of the Summer Moon” by S. C. Gwynne, which follows the story of a war leader from the Comanche Nation named Quanah Parker. Ryan loves to read about history because it allows us to learn about ourselves and how we came to be and develop the skills to avoid past mistakes and create a better future.
Jodie Dietz
Jodie Dietz has served on the Blue Valley USD 229 Board of Education for four years. She also currently serves as the Region 11 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
Jodie believes that an educated population is essential for a thriving society. Passionate about empowering young people, she joined the board to ensure students have the tools and support they need to succeed. Her commitment to public schools stems from her deep understanding of their importance in the community.
Beyond her role on the school board, Jodie is actively involved in various organizations. She sits on the CAPS Network Board of Directors and the Friends of the Johnson County Library board. She also serves on several committees with the City of Overland Park, volunteers on her church's security team and enjoys attending music and theatre events around Kansas City.
Jodie brings valuable skills to her local school board from her background in corrections and social services, along with extensive volunteering in schools. Her primary goal in her district is to provide an excellent education to every student. As a KASB Board Member, she aims to foster a spirit of collaboration among districts, believing that supporting neighboring districts benefits everyone.
Growing up, Jodie admired her grandmothers—one a nurturing and tireless community volunteer, the other was an unique character who lived life with humor and authenticity. In school, her junior high social studies teacher, Mr. Dymacek, was a significant influence, teaching her to think critically and ask questions.
One of Jodie's favorite quotes is by Eleanor Roosevelt: "Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." She also loves reading, especially memoirs, and highly recommends "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls.
Jamie Borgman
Jamie Borgman has served on the Shawnee Mission USD 512 Board of Education for four years. She also currently serves as the Region 12 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
In addition to her board responsibilities, Jamie works as a Regional Director for a global oncology company. Jamie's primary focus as a board member is the well-being and academic success of students. She ensures that every decision is made with students' best interests at heart, striving to equip them for success in their academic journeys and future careers. Passionate about supporting her district and public education, Jamie believes in the importance of all children achieving academic success and being prepared for the challenges of tomorrow's world.
Reflecting on her upbringing, Jamie often draws inspiration from her mother, who she describes as a brave leader who taught her the value of truthfulness and independent thinking. Jamie's favorite teacher, Mr. Corey Wilson, also played a significant role in her life. He was her biggest cheerleader and advocate during her time at Topeka West High School, and even now.
Jamie lives by the motto, "Change your mind, change your world," emphasizing the power of perspective and the potential for self-growth and reflection.
Valdenia Winn
Dr. Valdenia C. Winn (Persley) is a member of USD 500 Board of Education, the 34th District Kansas State House of Representative, a Kansas City Kansas Community College history professor and a community volunteer.
In April 2015, Dr. Winn was elected to the USD 500 Board of Education, Kansas City, Kansas for a four-year term. Dr. Winn works tirelessly to promote, support and strengthen K-12 education for all students. Furthermore, she is also committed to helping the Administration, faculty and staff navigate the Kansas School finance formula.
Since earning her PhD in History and International Relations from the University of Kansas in 1993, Dr. Winn has been involved in the Greater Kansas City community serving on numerous community neighborhood associations and until recently coordinated an after-school computer/tutorial lab for K-12 students residing in northeast Kansas City, Kansas.
Currently, she serves on the Board of the Greater Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus. Dr. Winn has been a Professor of history at Kansas City Kansas Community College for over four decades. Her specialty is Twentieth-Century United States History and African American History.
In 1999, she received the prestigious Fulbright-Hayes Group Projects Study Abroad Award sponsored by the United States Department of Education. As director of 16 secondary education/university faculty, she led the curriculum development team as they conducted research for six weeks at the universities in Dakar, Senegal and St. Louis, Senegal (West Africa). Upon return to Kansas City, each member presented workshops throughout the Kansas City metro area and developed curriculum that infused concepts of West African history and culture into the core curriculum in their respective disciplines.
Currently, Representative Winn is completing her 10th term in the Kansas House of Representatives, serving the citizens of the 34th District, Kansas City, Kansas. Rep. Winn serves as Assistant Minority Leader of the House Democrats, the Ranking Democrat on K-12 Education Budget Committee, a member of the Capital Preservation Committee; and a member of the Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund. One of her legislative successes was securing the passage of SB 54. SB 54 (2011 session) commissioned a mural commemorating Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, et al. for the walls of the newly remodeled Kansas State Capital. The House leadership objected, and the bill was stalled. It was only because of Rep. Winn’s tenacity and knowledge of House rules that SB 54 passed the House and was later signed into law. When appointed as chairperson of the Capital Preservation Committee by then Governor Mark Parkinson, Rep. Winn became the first African American female member of the Minority Party (Democrat) to serve as chairperson of a Legislative Committee. While no longer the chairperson, Rep. Winn still serves as a member of the Capital Preservation Committee.
Since May 2018 the mural commemorating Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, et al is showcased on the 3rd floor of the Kansas State Capital. In 2017, Rep. Winn, along with a fellow representative, designed curriculum for a Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Summer Seminar, held at Washburn University. Focused on “teaching the trainer,” 2019 marked the second year that the Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Seminar was offered to K-12 teachers of Kansas. The Seminar is sanctioned by the Kansas State Board of Education as well as the Kansas State Department of Education. Upon completion of the seminar the participants will be certified to facilitate training of other K-12 teachers in culturally relevant pedagogy.
In her spare time, Valdenia and her husband Keith Persley enjoy sporting events and traveling throughout the United States and internationally.
Julie Hedrick
Julie Hedrick has served on the Wichita USD 259 Board of Education for six years. She also currently serves as the Region 14 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
With 28 years of experience in the Wichita Public Schools, Julie's retirement didn't mark the end of her involvement. Instead, she chose to continue her service by running for a seat on the school board. Julie's tenure in the district's facilities department has equipped her with valuable insight and institutional knowledge, that she brings to the board table. Additionally, her support for teachers and staff is grounded in her understanding of their roles and challenges.
Beyond her school board responsibilities, Julie is active in her church and serves on the board of directors for Grace Med. She cherishes spending time with her family, including her husband, two daughters and two grandchildren. Driven by a commitment to prioritize students in every decision, Julie aims to elevate Wichita USD 259 to the premier district in Kansas and the Midwest. As a member of the KASB Board of Directors, she is actively engaging in political advocacy and deepening her understanding of how state government impacts school funding and legislation.
Julie draws inspiration from her mother, a former one-room-school teacher who later earned a PHD in education and became a university professor. Her mother's resilience and dedication serve as guiding principles for Julie. During her own school years, Julie was profoundly influenced by an honors history teacher who challenged students to reflect on their background and heritage and strive to make a positive impact in the world.
A quote that Julie uses in her life every day is, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6.
Julie Steele
Julie Steele has served on the Olathe USD 233 Board of Education for three years. She also currently serves as the Region 15 Vice-President on the KASB Board of Directors.
With a lifelong passion for education, Julie began her career as a special education teacher in Olathe in 1995. After stepping away from the classroom to support her husband’s PhD pursuits, she continued her commitment to education by starting a Mother’s Day Out program and working with Johnson County Infant Toddler Services.
Now as a school board member in the district where she grew up, taught and chose to send her own children, she finds great fulfillment in serving her community. Beyond her role on the school board, Julie is a business owner and active community member. She and her husband own Associated Audiologists Inc. which operates eight clinics and employs 40 people helping patients with hearing loss, tinnitus and balance concerns. She also volunteers at The Hub Argentine in KCK and is involved in restoring a historic home that will be the 2025 KC Symphony Showcase Home.
In her free time, she enjoys reading, hiking and visiting the Kansas farm where her husband grew up. Bringing both business and education experience to the school board, Julie uses her analytical skills to evaluate financial and student performance data while also providing a firsthand understanding of the challenges facing educators. Her deep ties to the Olathe community give her valuable insight into the district’s history and future needs.
Her top goal for the Olathe Board of Education is to ensure follow-through on an educator retention and recruitment action plan developed from 58 district-wide meetings with certified staff. She also prioritizes maintaining the board’s strong collaborative governance to support student success. As a KASB Board Member, Julie is committed to strengthening public education’s statewide reputation. She believes in celebrating the hard work of educators and students while uniting districts around a shared vision for success.
One of Julie’s most influential teachers was her sixth-grade teacher Mrs. Royer, whose energy and dedication made learning exciting and personal. A quote she lives by: "The best view comes after the hardest climb." – Unknown