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Leadership for Tomorrow and BOLD

LFT & BOLD, In-depth educational leadership training

Leadership Programs and Classes

Some of the best lessons in leadership can’t be taught in a one-hour workshop. Becoming effective and forward-thinking leaders requires intentionality, dedication and an environment of cooperative learning. Understanding that, KASB offers two comprehensive leadership programs that place members in year-long cohorts that focus on sharing knowledge and skills critical to modern educational leaders: Leadership for Tomorrow and BOLD (Business Operations Leadership Development).

Leadership for Tomorrow (LFT)

As members of the Leadership for Tomorrow cohort, board members, superintendents and administrators explore change theories and strategies, gain training in leadership skills and expand their understanding of education and key issues for effective governance with a focus on raising student achievement. Visits to local schools, classroom observations and opportunities to learn from leadership experts provide a foundation for class discussion and collaborative analysis of issues and opportunities of Kansas education. At the end of the program, LFT members walk away with a new set of skills and knowledge that better prepares them for success in the modern education environment.

Through five two-day sessions, the KASB Leadership for Tomorrow program creates a greater understanding of the Kansas public education system and provides opportunities to develop leadership skills for effective governance and raising student achievement. In the past 13 years, 221 school leaders have completed the program. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity email Linsey Evans, our Leadership Services Department Coordinator. 


LFT Nominations are open for 2023! Please use this link: LFT Nominations, to nominate a board member for this incredible leadership opportunity. 

Business. Operations. Leadership. Development. (BOLD)

Business Operations Leadership Development (BOLD) focuses on enhancing skills and knowledge around the following topics: Building and facilities master planning; Technology planning; Finance strategies and planning; Procurement processes; School security; Risk management; and Human resource management. Six sessions at locations around the state are developed by KASB staff and attended by members of the BOLD cohort. KASB staff, experts from across the state and KASB partners lead the training at each of the day-long events.

Additional Questions?

Kansas Association of School Boards
1420 SW Arrowhead Rd
Topeka, Kansas 66604
Phone: (800) 432-2471