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Our Services

Supporting Student Success in Kansas


The KASB team partners with members to improve educational outcomes in Kansas school districts, building on our state’s long history of strong public schools. Our 30+ member staff team includes award-winning professionals who have served in Kansas school districts as superintendents, principals, district administrators, school board members, teachers and support staff. Providing assistance to our members gives us the opportunity to offer our diverse skills and perpsectives to communities across the state, with a shared commitment to doing what’s right for Kansas public schools and the communities they serve.

From workshops and events gathering hundreds of educational leaders in one location to one-on-one consulting and coaching sessions, we are ready with the experience, skills, and resources to help you navigate the biggest challenges and greatest opportunities.

KASB Proudly Offers the Following Member Services...

  • Advocacy Services

    The Kansas Association of School Boards is one of the most trusted voices in public education. Our Advocacy staff works throughout the year to advocate for public schools at all levels of government.

    From testifying and fostering relationships in Topeka to collaborating on federal education issues, KASB is widely recognized as the go-to resource for policymakers and public education advocates.

    Our Advocacy staff works closely with the other Kansas and national educational associations to look at critical issues such as school accreditation, funding, teacher certification, and much more. During the last two sessions, our team testified on over 75 bills and hosted almost 50 events focused on ensuring you have the critical information you need to effectively lead your district and state.

    Our Advocacy team is also here to help your voice be heard. Our staff is always ready to connect you to your local legislators, aid you in drafting testimony, and support you in fighting for public education in Kansas. Our Advocacy in Action cohort equips people with the knowledge and skills necessary to become an effective and heard voice for public education for our most eager advocates.

    Learn more about Advocacy.

  • Communication Services

    Communication Services represents KASB's newest initiative to support school districts and their communities. Staffed by experts in communications and school public relations, our communications team is here to help your district build meaningful connections with students, staff, and community stakeholders who all represent vital components of your school community. From bond campaigns to crisis response, our Communication Services are here to amplify your message and support your leadership team.

    Available Communication Services

    Communication Campaigns

    • Bond Issues
    • Enrollment Campaigns
    • Communication Strategies
    • Leadership Transitions

    Crisis Communication

    • Communication Support
    • Press Release Drafting
    • Media Relations
    • Community Relations


    • Communication Templates
    • Communication Best Practices
    • Staff Training



    Learn More about Communication Services
    Contact Kristin Magette, APR, Assistant Executive Director of Communication and Community Engagement | 785-271-4527

  • Leadership Services

    Combining decades of experience as board members, superintendents, and principals, our Leadership Services team works with local leaders to maximize the efficiency and impact of public schools and those who make them work. Services available to our members include: 

    • Leadership Development
      • Western Kansas Leadership Academy 
      • Business and Operation Leadership Development (BOLD)
      • Leadership for Tomorrow (LFT)
      • Whole Board Training
      • Clerk Training and Support
      • Human Resources Cohort
    • District Services
      • Human Resources Study
      • Superintendents Search
      • Facilities Evaluation
    • Goal Setting
      • Goal and Expectation Setting
      • Long Range Planning
      • Board Self Evaluations
    • Staff Training
      • Safety Training and Threat Assessment
      • Evaluation Training
      • Equity Training
      • Social-Emotional Learning
    • Data & Research
      • Member Data Surveys

    Learn more about Leadership Services.

  • Legal Services

    Our Legal Assistance Fund (LAF) is designed to support boards of education facing an increasing need for legal services. LAF is one of the few programs in the nation that provides members legal assistance, services, reports on recent legal development to public school boards, and custom-built workshops and training for education leaders.

    Membership in the fund provides participating boards of education access to legal counsel, legal research, important court decisions, our interpretation of laws affecting schools, written memos on specific legal questions asked by participating boards, and written legal opinions, all supported by a legal team with decades of experience in public education law and policy.

    The goal of LAF is to supplement and enhance, but not replace, the legal services available to boards of education. This makes LAF a great option for organizations of all sizes. Your membership in LAF allows our team of attorneys to offer critical services to you and other districts that include:

    • An 'Attorney on Call' during board meetings
    • Access to legal counsel through phone calls, email, and Zoom meetings
    • Guidance on how to interpret laws and rulings that specifically impact schools
    • Specialized workshops ranging from Title IX training to Negotiations workshops

    Any member governing board of KASB is eligible to participate in LAF upon signing the Adoption Agreement and LAF Contract and upon payment of the initial consultant service fee.

    Learn more about Legal Services.

  • Workers’ Compensation Fund, Inc.

    Workers' Compensation is a required insurance plan provided by the employer to pay employee benefits for job-related injuries, disability, or death that arise out of and in the course of employment. While this coverage is statutorily required, our KASB members have many carrier choices to secure this coverage. Secure this coverage with KASB.

    Learn more about Workers’ Compensation Fund, Inc.


    KBS | Kansas Board Solutions

    KBS has deep roots in the education market. Our purpose is closely connected to our parent company, the Kansas Association of School Boards. The KASB mission of supporting the outcomes of student success and student achievement is embedded in the work that we do. We believe the better we guide our education clients through their insurance journey, the more resources they will have to put toward the classroom and opportunities for their students.

    KBS proudly offers services covering your consulting, insurance, and benefits needs.

    Learn more about how we offer complete coverage of an organization's risk management profile by heading to KBS.

Have questions? Try visiting our FAQ page or contact us for further assistance!

Contact Us

Kansas Association of School Boards
1420 SW Arrowhead Rd
Topeka, Kansas 66604
Phone: (800) 432-2471