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Threat Assessment

Threat Assessment, put your students on a safer path

The social, emotional, and physical threats facing schools and students represent a constantly growing and changing concern for district and building-level leaders. It is critical that educational leaders are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and plans to respond to threats in any form. As KASB continues to lean into its mission to Lead, Serve, and Advocate with our members we are dedicated to bringing you access to cutting-edge threat assessment and management systems. 

Our staff has been certified by Navigate360 to bring impactful training to our Kansas district leadership teams. We will work with your team on a two to three-part series. It begins with an online training program that is then paired with an in-person training session led by our KASB Staff. The optional third step brings an opportunity for your staff to become the trainers for your district.

If you are interested and ready to join our program please contact, Linsey Evans who can provide more details for your team. 

Behavioral Threat Assessment

Behavioral threat assessment helps to address the problem of targeted violence. As one component of an overall strategy, it works to create cultures and climates of safety, respect and emotional support. Navigate360 works with leading experts to develop a secure, cloud-based platform to guide and support your threat assessment teams and processes.

  • Enhance your safe school culture
  • Reduce bullying and acts of violence
  • Increase student success

The CSTAG Difference

The CSTAG method is shown to improve student outcomes, including:

  • Suspension rates decreased
  • Racial disparities reduced or absent
  • Counseling used more often
  • More positive school culture


The Navgate360 Behavioral Threat Assessment Manager is the only threat assessment software that fully incorporates the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG). The CSTAG model takes a problem-solving approach to violence prevention with an emphasis on avoiding the errors of overreaction and under- reaction to student threats.

Why choose Navigate360’s Behavioral Threat Assessment Manager?

Leveraging robust technology enables you and your teams to streamline the assessment process and focus attention on the needs of your students. Designed with teams in mind, the Behavioral Threat Assessment Manager aggregates data, creates tasks, notifies team members, facilitates collaboration and provides case tracking and reporting.

Built-in, expert guidance and integrated training help ensure your teams are following the prescribed process, regardless of experience level. The technology reinforces a consistent, defensible methodology across the district, mitigating risk and building confidence.

How it Works

Beginning with Navigate360's interactive modules, your team will learn the basics from their program. After modular completion, your team will join the KASB staff for an interactive workshop helping you learn to assess and more effectively implement harm reduction plans for at-risk students. The program can help schools comply with state regulations. The essential CSTAG process:

  1. Evaluate and triage
  2. Resolve transient threats
  3. Respond to substantive threats
  4. Conduct safety evaluation
  5. Implement and monitor safety plan

Learn More About Navigate360

Navigate360 boldly confronts the challenges communities face by defining a modern approach to safety. Through technology, education, and services, Navigate360 offers solutions spanning the full spectrum of safety – from prevention and preparation through response and recovery.

Informational Handouts